Author ● The Osmosis~
There was a time when I would hardly sleep without thinking of you.
There was a time I would imagine us on an uninhabited Island having
the coolest tour of nature.
Who would have known that you wouldn't be mine forever?
Who would have thought that a lady so gorgeous and brainy wouldn't lead me to the land of boundless victories of love uncorrupted?
Oh! I have heard of princesses, queens and angels, but you may be
the most cherubic of them all; though small, but greater.
Even as I cook this surreptitious meal of encomiums, I still cannot
imagine that the cadence of Nebuchadnezzar would satisfy the ineluctable
description of your radiance.
I wish I could transform the rhythmical palpitations of my heart.
Not of Tako tsubo, but of love unfeigned into harmonious melodies.
Unheard is the effulgence of your beauty!
You glow my love!
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