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Let's talk about Autophagy

AuthorAyomiposi Kingsley

Autophagy is a natural regeneration mechanism that occurs in our body at the cellular level , preventing the accumulation of waste products and other components that no longer work well. For this to be carried out, the cell uses autophagosomes, which are microscopic vesicles. These phagosomes act as an internal aspirator, they move through the interior of the cell and gobble up all the waste, converting it into energy and essential molecules. 

This process is carried out slowly and constantly, which means that the cell, after a while, has been renewed and is in optimal condition.

Let's talk about Autophagy

Autophagy, or "self-eating," consists of degrading and recycling cellular components. In the 1960s, it was discovered that cells could self-destruct. Cells enclose their own components in double-membrane vesicles that are transferred to a recycling compartment called a liposome where, by the action of enzymes, waste is digested and destroyed, however, a poor autophagy mechanism can be the cause of different diseases.

Let's talk about Autophagy, benefits of autophagy

Benefits of Autophagy🏋️‍♀️🏄‍♀️🏃‍♀️

When energy is scarce, cells are able to increase their autophagy to supply the demand for nutrients and essential elements, providing important benefits for our body.

Today, autophagy is limited to a few hours at night, as experts recommend eating 5-6 meals a day.

1.) It prevents type II diabetes (non-insulin dependent) and the loss of insulin sensitivity, which allows to preserve the function of the pancreas. It also controls insulin and blood sugar levels.

2.) It reinforces the autoimmune system, the animal instinct is to act fast before a disease and, in this way, the invading pathogens are fought.

3.) When energy is scarce, cells are able to increase their autophagy to supply the demand for nutrients and essential elements, providing important benefits for our body.

4.) Reduces obesity and controls weight gain. Body mass is consumed for fuel by having a calorie restriction for several hours.

How many hours of fasting to enter autophagy?🙋🙋

There are different methods of autophagy, so also different times of fasting, such as:

Short duration, but more frequent: a 16/8 hour fast is performed several days a week and even every day. This is from dinner to breakfast and eating every 8 hours. 

The rest of the time is fasting. Other modalities would be 10/14, that is, fasting for 14 hours and eating in a 10-hour window or also 4/20 or 2/22.

Frequency and average duration: consists of fasting 24 hours once a week.

Low frequency and long duration: consists of fasting 2-3 days a month.

What stimulate the autophagy process?

In the opinion, INTERMITTENT FASTING is an efficient way to optimize the process of autophagy, other include, exercise, certain foods and supplements such as:

  • Cayenne pepper
  • Black coffee
  • Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage
  • Sauco strike
  • Green tea, bergamot
  • Turmeric etc.
Let's talk about Autophagy, Ayomiposi Kingsley

What happens when autophagy fails?🤔💭

When the autophagy process fails, aging begins, an accumulation of proteins and organelles occurs inside the cell that leads to senescence, that is, a response to stress and damage that occurs in it, as well as to exhaustion.

It is also considered an important factor responsible for the loss of the regenerative capacity of muscle cells in advanced ages, providing them with less independence and a worse quality of life.

Let's talk about Autophagy

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