Author • Gloria Koya
__________________________It was a scary night...
Sweats trickled on my back
The street was cold as ice
The sky, so thick and dark
Fear hit me like a rock
As the wind blew fiercely
Leaves flew across the empty street
Like sparrows in a wide field
Nothing could be seen
In the dim path of the black night
Even the stars hid behind the sky
Like a child on his mother’s back
I realized it wasn’t a nightmare
When the wind gave me a harsh slap
I bowed my head in tears
Cos’ it was too much for me to bear
But there, on the icy black road
The Prince of love appeared
He looked into my teary eyes
With love that healed like fresh balm
He stretched forth his nail-pierced hands
And gave me the warmest hug ever
I felt a gentle squeeze in my heart
And all my worries began to melt...
Traveling down the channel of my soul,
I felt the burn of light,
The burn of love
And the sparkling burn of hope
My little mind wondered
If such immensity of love was real
I could barely comprehend
How He could even embrace me so.
How Precious One?
Me - a once lonely one !
In the Arms of Love
© 2021 Gloria Koya. All Rights Reserved
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