Author • Adefeyintola Adesegun
The world would feed on you.
As a predator hunts a prey
Your life turns to a book
Hurled insults and critics,
Scribbled on each page,
The ink never dries.
Daily, she’d put up a brave face,
Hiding tears and wobbly chin
Mouth set in a slight smile.
She perfected the look over years
But could not keep it a secret.
Her mirror figured it out,
As she avoided staring at it.
It saw beyond her physical,
The pert nose and chubby cheeks
And a body totally amorphous,
Yet she hid under its shadow.
So it said to her one morning,
“People will distort you
But breathe in your skin, darling
That is how love grows,
When you accept it heartily.”
That is the truth about self-love.
© 2021 Adefeyintola Adesegun. All Rights Reserved
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