At a time,
The animals had nothing to eat
But chaffs and mingles:
And starvation staring them in the face -
It's neccessary to conceal:
I do not wish to comment on this work
If it does not speak for itself, it is a failure.
I wanted to tell a story that could so easily,
Easily understood by anyone;
A story so simple even a child could understand -
The truth is strange to tell in other ways
The world is invaded by monsters,
Who catches the moon in their pocket
I could be writing romantic poems
Peoms people actually want to read
But I tell the story of this monsters
Through talking animals
Maybe then you listen
The creature outside looked from pig to man,
Man to pig
And pig to man again
But already it impossible to say which is which
Hunger, cold and famine
Are the host of today's banquet.
Hunger, Cold and Famine
©2020 DavAjit. All Rights Reserved.
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